Member notice: Our White Rock branch is currently closed due to a flood. Please call the Member Service Centre at 1 888 440 4480 or visit the nearby Grandview branch if you require any assistance. Thank you for your understanding.
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Grow your wealth with our wealth advisors and investment specialists.
Wealth Planning

Meet our Investment Advisors

Looking to invest beyond mutual funds and build a personalized financial plan? Come see an Investment Advisor.

What’s it like to work with an Investment Advisor?

Our Investment Advisors will ask you a lot of questions. It’s not because they’re being nosy. They just want to understand where you are now and where you want to be in the future so they can create a roadmap to get you from here to there. It’s a two-sided conversation, though – ask as many questions as you want, too!

How can our wealth planning services help you?

Think of us as the employee you don't have to pay. We're committed to supporting your financial journey with relevant, forward-thinking recommendations. Get us working for you to help grow your wealth:
Make a plan to budget and manage your debt.
Tax planning
Grow wealth with investments.
Legacy and estate planning
Protect wealth with insurance.
Investment management
Pay less tax with a tax plan.
Financial risk management assessments
Create a plan for a comfortable retirement.
Retirement and goal planning

Fraser Valley


Chad Chubaty

Aviso Wealth
Investment Advisor
Direct: 604 824 4370


Wade Rayner

Aviso Wealth
Investment Advisor
Direct: 604 824 4377


Aquiles Rosales

Aviso Wealth
Investment Advisor
Direct: 778 860 6549

Abbotsford or West Oaks

Marcus Van Reeuwyk

Aviso Wealth
Investment Advisor
Direct: 604 870 3517

How to reach us

Call our Member Service Centre

Toll free
1 888 440 4480

Monday to Friday
8 am - 8 pm

Saturday 9 am - 5 pm

Contact tech support
Send us an email
Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc.