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Prospera Foundation

Prospera Foundation

Local banking means making a difference in our local communities.

  • Prospera Foundation charitable grants

Strengthening our local communities

The Prospera Foundation is one of the largest credit union foundations in Canada and supports local programs and projects that help make our communities stronger and more inclusive places to live. The Foundation is guided by a dedicated Board of Directors and Senior Executives of Prospera Credit Union and is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Established in 1992, the Foundation has contributed more than $5.8 million in financial support to local organizations. With over $9.1 million in assets, the Foundation receives all its capital from the credit union and income earned on this capital helps fund donations to a variety of charitable organizations in our communities each year.

The Foundation supports charitable projects and programs in the areas of:

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Local Business

We contribute to the growth of the local business ecosystem in our communities

  • Back to work or career transition services
  • Volunteer services
  • Optimizing local business presence in communities
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We support charities offering preventative wellness services

  • Mental health
  • Physical wellness
  • Work/life balance
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We provide our community with the foundations to reach their goals

  • Financial literacy
  • Mentorship programs
  • Entrepreneurship
Canucks Autism Network

Qualifying for a grant

Applicants must hold charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency and operate in, or benefit community members within one or all of the 11 communities Prospera serves. If you are seeking sponsorship or donation support, visit our Local Support page.

Applications have now closed.

Important dates

Given budget limitations, some programs or projects are beyond the granting scope of the Foundation regardless of their merit. However, we'll ensure that every application is reviewed carefully and evaluated against set criteria to ensure funds are invested carefully.

2024 Application Dates
Application period opensMay 20
Deadline for submissionsJuly 22
Board meetingEarly September
Applicant notified of funding decisionEnd of September
Grant funding receivedOctober

Prospera Foundation Grant Partners

In 2023, Prospera harnessed the power of local, going beyond financial support, our strength lies in the ability to connect local charities with resources, expertise and networks that go beyond traditional grants. We invite you to explore the incredible stories, achievements and successes of our charity partners.

View the 2023 Foundation Report

How to reach us

Call our Member Service Centre

Toll free
1 888 440 4480

Monday to Friday
8 am - 8 pm

Saturday 9 am - 5 pm

Contact tech support
Send us an email